Source code for moscot.base.problems.problem

import abc
import pathlib
import types
from typing import (

import cloudpickle

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sp
from pandas.api import types as pd_types
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

import anndata as ad
import scanpy as sc
from anndata import AnnData

from moscot import backends
from moscot._logging import logger
from moscot._types import ArrayLike, CostFn_t, Device_t, ProblemKind_t
from moscot.base.output import BaseSolverOutput, MatrixSolverOutput
from moscot.base.problems._utils import (
from moscot.base.solver import OTSolver
from moscot.utils.tagged_array import Tag, TaggedArray

__all__ = ["BaseProblem", "OTProblem"]

[docs] class BaseProblem(abc.ABC): """Base class for all :term:`OT` problems.""" def __init__(self): self._problem_kind: ProblemKind_t = "unknown" self._stage: Literal["initialized", "prepared", "solved"] = "initialized"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def prepare(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseProblem": """Prepare the problem. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments. kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- Self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. - :attr:`problem_kind` - kind of the :term:`OT` problem. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def solve(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseProblem": """Solve the problem. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments. kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- Self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'solved'``. - :attr:`problem_kind` - kind of the :term:`OT` problem. """
[docs] def save( self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], overwrite: bool = False, ) -> None: """Save the problem to a file. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the problem. overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing file. Returns ------- Nothing, just saves the problem using :mod:`cloudpickle <pickle>`. """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if not overwrite and path.is_file(): raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to write the model to an existing file `{path}`, " f"use `overwrite=True` to overwrite it." ) with open(path, "wb") as fout: cloudpickle.dump(self, fout)
[docs] @staticmethod def load( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], ) -> "BaseProblem": """Load the model from a file. Parameters ---------- path Path where the model is stored. Returns ------- The problem. """ with open(path, "rb") as fin: return cloudpickle.load(fin)
@staticmethod def _get_mass( adata: AnnData, data: Optional[Union[str, ArrayLike]] = None, subset: Optional[Union[str, List[str], Tuple[int, int]]] = None, normalize: bool = True, *, split_mass: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: def _split_mass(arr: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: if arr.ndim == 2: return arr non_zero_idxs = arr.nonzero()[0] data = np.zeros((len(arr), len(non_zero_idxs))) data[non_zero_idxs, np.arange(len(non_zero_idxs))] = arr[non_zero_idxs] return data if data is None: if subset is None: data = np.ones((adata.n_obs,), dtype=float) elif isinstance(subset, list): data = np.asarray(adata.obs_names.isin(subset), dtype=float) elif isinstance(subset, tuple): # TODO(michalk8): handle negative indices start, offset = subset if start >= adata.n_obs: raise IndexError(f"Expected starting index to be smaller than `{adata.n_obs}`, found `{start}`.") data = np.zeros((adata.n_obs,), dtype=float) data[range(start, min(start + offset, adata.n_obs))] = 1.0 else: raise TypeError(f"Unable to interpret subset of type `{type(subset)}`.") elif not hasattr(data, "shape"): if subset is None: # allow for numeric values data = ( np.asarray(adata.obs[data], dtype=float) if pd_types.is_numeric_dtype(adata.obs[data]) else np.ones((adata.n_obs,), dtype=float) ) else: sset = subset if isinstance(subset, list) else [subset] # type:ignore[list-item] data = np.asarray(adata.obs[data].isin(sset), dtype=float) else: data = np.asarray(data, dtype=float) if split_mass: data = _split_mass(data) if data.ndim != 2: data = np.reshape(data, (-1, 1)) if data.shape[0] != adata.n_obs: raise ValueError(f"Expected array of shape `({adata.n_obs,}, ...)`, found `{data.shape}`.") if normalize: return data / np.sum(data, axis=0, keepdims=True) return data @property def stage(self) -> Literal["initialized", "prepared", "solved"]: """Problem stage.""" return self._stage @property def problem_kind(self) -> ProblemKind_t: """Kind of the underlying problem.""" return self._problem_kind
[docs] class OTProblem(BaseProblem): """Base class for all :term:`OT` problems. Parameters ---------- adata Source annotated data object. adata_tgt Target annotated data object. If :obj:`None`, use ``adata``. src_obs_mask Source observation mask that defines :attr:`adata_src`. tgt_obs_mask Target observation mask that defines :attr:`adata_tgt`. src_var_mask Source variable mask that defines :attr:`adata_src`. tgt_var_mask Target variable mask that defines :attr:`adata_tgt`. src_key Source key name, usually supplied by the :class:`~moscot.base.problems.BaseCompoundProblem`. tgt_key Target key name, usually supplied by the :class:`~moscot.base.problems.BaseCompoundProblem`. Notes ----- If source/target mask is specified, :attr:`adata_src`/:attr:`adata_tgt` will be a view. """ def __init__( self, adata: AnnData, adata_tgt: Optional[AnnData] = None, src_obs_mask: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, tgt_obs_mask: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, src_var_mask: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, tgt_var_mask: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, src_key: Optional[Any] = None, tgt_key: Optional[Any] = None, ): super().__init__() self._adata_src = adata self._adata_tgt = adata if adata_tgt is None else adata_tgt self._src_obs_mask = src_obs_mask self._tgt_obs_mask = tgt_obs_mask self._src_var_mask = src_var_mask self._tgt_var_mask = tgt_var_mask self._src_key = src_key self._tgt_key = tgt_key self._solver: Optional[OTSolver[BaseSolverOutput]] = None self._solution: Optional[BaseSolverOutput] = None self._x: Optional[TaggedArray] = None self._y: Optional[TaggedArray] = None self._xy: Optional[TaggedArray] = None self._a: Optional[ArrayLike] = None self._b: Optional[ArrayLike] = None self._time_scales_heat_kernel = TimeScalesHeatKernel(None, None, None) def _handle_linear(self, cost: CostFn_t = None, **kwargs: Any) -> TaggedArray: if "x_attr" not in kwargs or "y_attr" not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault("tag", Tag.COST_MATRIX) attr = kwargs.pop("attr", "obsm") if attr in ("obsm", "uns"): return TaggedArray.from_adata( self.adata_src, dist_key=(self._src_key, self._tgt_key), attr=attr, cost="custom", **kwargs ) raise ValueError(f"Storing `{kwargs['tag']!r}` in `adata.{attr}` is disallowed.") x_kwargs, y_kwargs = self._split_xy_kwargs(**kwargs) if cost is not None: x_kwargs["cost"] = cost y_kwargs["cost"] = cost x_kwargs["tag"] = Tag.POINT_CLOUD y_kwargs["tag"] = Tag.POINT_CLOUD x_array = TaggedArray.from_adata(self.adata_src, dist_key=self._src_key, **x_kwargs) y_array = TaggedArray.from_adata(self.adata_tgt, dist_key=self._tgt_key, **y_kwargs) return TaggedArray(data_src=x_array.data_src, data_tgt=y_array.data_src, tag=Tag.POINT_CLOUD, cost=x_array.cost)
[docs] @wrap_prepare def prepare( self, xy: Mapping[str, Any], x: Mapping[str, Any], y: Mapping[str, Any], a: Optional[Union[bool, str, ArrayLike]] = None, b: Optional[Union[bool, str, ArrayLike]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "OTProblem": """Prepare the :term:`OT` problem. Depending on which arguments are passed, the :attr:`problem_kind` will be: - if only ``xy`` is non-empty, :attr:`problem_kind = 'linear' <problem_kind>`. - if only ``x`` and ``y`` are non-empty, :attr:`problem_kind = 'quadratic' <problem_kind>`. - if all ``xy``, ``x`` and ``y`` are non-empty, :attr:`problem_kind = 'quadratic' <problem_kind>`. Parameters ---------- xy Geometry defining the linear term. If a non-empty :class:`dict`, :meth:`~moscot.utils.tagged_array.TaggedArray.from_adata` will be called. x Geometry defining the source :term:`quadratic term`. If a non-empty :class:`dict`, :meth:`~moscot.utils.tagged_array.TaggedArray.from_adata` will be called. y Geometry defining the target :term:`quadratic term`. If a non-empty :class:`dict`, :meth:`~moscot.utils.tagged_array.TaggedArray.from_adata` will be called. a Source :term:`marginals`. Valid options are: - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the source marginals are stored. - :class:`bool` - if :obj:`True`, :meth:`estimate the marginals <estimate_marginals>` from :attr:`adata_src`, otherwise use uniform marginals. - :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - array of shape ``[n,]`` containing the source marginals. - :obj:`None` - uniform marginals. b Target :term:`marginals`. Valid options are: - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the target marginals are stored. - :class:`bool` - if :obj:`True`, :meth:`estimate the marginals <estimate_marginals>` from :attr:`adata_tgt`, otherwise use uniform marginals. - :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - array of shape ``[m,]`` containing the target marginals. - :obj:`None` - uniform marginals. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`estimate_marginals` when ``a = True`` or ``b = True``. Returns ------- Self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`xy` - geometry of shape ``[n, m]`` defining the :term:`linear term`. - :attr:`x` - geometry of shape ``[n, n]`` defining the source :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`y` - geometry of shape ``[m, m]`` defining the target :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`a` - source :term:`marginals` of shape ``[n,]``. - :attr:`b` - target :term:`marginals` of shape ``[m,]``. - :attr:`solution` - set to :obj:`None`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. - :attr:`problem_kind` - kind of the :term:`OT` problem. """ self._x = self._y = self._xy = self._solution = None # TODO(michalk8): in the future, have a better dispatch # fmt: off if xy: if "tagged_array" in xy: kws, _ = self._split_xy_kwargs(**xy) self._xy = xy["tagged_array"]._set_cost(**kws) else: self._xy = self._handle_linear(**xy) if x: if "tagged_array" in x: x = dict(x) self._x = x.pop("tagged_array")._set_cost(**x) else: self._x = TaggedArray.from_adata(self.adata_src, dist_key=self._src_key, **x) if y: if "tagged_array" in y: y = dict(y) self._y = y.pop("tagged_array")._set_cost(**y) else: self._y = TaggedArray.from_adata(self.adata_tgt, dist_key=self._tgt_key, **y) if self._xy and not self._x and not self._y: self._problem_kind = "linear" elif (self._x and self._y and not self._xy) or (self._x and self._y and self._xy): self._problem_kind = "quadratic" else: raise ValueError("Unable to prepare the data. Either only supply `xy=...`, or `x=..., y=...`, or all.") # fmt: on self._a = self._create_marginals(self.adata_src, data=a, source=True, **kwargs) self._b = self._create_marginals(self.adata_tgt, data=b, source=False, **kwargs) return self
[docs] @wrap_solve def solve( self, backend: Literal["ott"] = "ott", device: Optional[Device_t] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "OTProblem": """Solve the :term:`OT` problem. Parameters ---------- backend Which backend to use, see :func:`~moscot.backends.utils.get_available_backends`. device Transfer the solution to a different device, see :meth:``. If :obj:`None`, keep the output on the original device. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~moscot.base.solver.BaseSolver` or its :meth:`__call__ <moscot.base.solver.BaseSolver.__call__>` method. Returns ------- Self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`solver` - the :term:`OT` solver. - :attr:`solution` - the :term:`OT` solution. """ solver_class = backends.get_solver(self.problem_kind, backend=backend, return_class=True) init_kwargs, call_kwargs = solver_class._partition_kwargs(**kwargs) # if linear problem, then alpha is 0.0 by default # if quadratic problem, then alpha is 1.0 by default alpha = call_kwargs.get("alpha", 0.0 if self.problem_kind == "linear" else 1.0) if alpha < 0.0 or alpha > 1.0: raise ValueError("Expected `alpha` to be in the range `[0, 1]`, found `{alpha}`.") if self.problem_kind == "linear" and (alpha != 0.0 or not (self.x is None or self.y is None)): raise ValueError("Unable to solve a linear problem with `alpha != 0` or `x` and `y` supplied.") if self.problem_kind == "quadratic": if self.x is None or self.y is None: raise ValueError("Unable to solve a quadratic problem without `x` and `y` supplied.") if alpha != 1.0 and self.xy is None: # means FGW case raise ValueError( "`alpha` must be 1.0 for quadratic problems without `xy` supplied. See `FGWProblem` class." ) if alpha == 1.0 and self.xy is not None: raise ValueError("Unable to solve a quadratic problem with `alpha = 1` and `xy` supplied.") self._solver = solver_class(**init_kwargs) self._solution = self._solver( # type: ignore[misc] xy=self._xy, x=self._x, y=self._y, a=self.a, b=self.b, device=device, time_scales_heat_kernel=self._time_scales_heat_kernel, **call_kwargs, ) return self
[docs] @require_solution def push( self, data: Optional[Union[str, ArrayLike]] = None, subset: Optional[Union[str, List[str], Tuple[int, int]]] = None, normalize: bool = True, *, split_mass: bool = False, scale_by_marginals: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: r"""Push data through the :attr:`~moscot.base.output.BaseSolverOutput.transport_matrix`. Parameters ---------- data Data to push through the transport matrix. Valid options are: - :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - array of shape ``[n,]`` or ``[n, d]``. - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`adata_src.obs['{data}'] <adata_src>`. If ``subset`` is a :class:`list`, the data will be a boolean mask determined by the subset. Useful for categorical data. - :obj:`None` - the value depends on the ``subset``. - :class:`list` - names in :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>` to push. - :class:`tuple` - start and offset indices :math:`(subset[0], subset[0] + subset[1])`. that define a boolean mask to push. - :obj:`None` - uniform array of :math:`1`. subset Push values contained only within the subset. normalize Whether to normalize the columns of ``data`` to sum to :math:`1`. split_mass Whether to split non-zero values in ``data`` into separate columns. scale_by_marginals Whether to scale by the source :term`marginals` :attr:`a`. Returns ------- The transported values, array of shape ``[m, d]``. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(self.solution, BaseSolverOutput) data = self._get_mass(self.adata_src, data=data, subset=subset, normalize=normalize, split_mass=split_mass) return self.solution.push(data, scale_by_marginals=scale_by_marginals)
[docs] @require_solution def pull( self, data: Optional[Union[str, ArrayLike]] = None, subset: Optional[Union[str, List[str], Tuple[int, int]]] = None, normalize: bool = True, *, split_mass: bool = False, scale_by_marginals: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: r"""Pull data through the :attr:`~moscot.base.output.BaseSolverOutput.transport_matrix`. Parameters ---------- data Data to pull through the transport matrix. Valid options are: - :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - array of shape ``[m,]`` or ``[m, d]``. - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`adata_tgt.obs['{data}'] <adata_tgt>`. If ``subset`` is a :class:`list`, the data will be a boolean mask determined by the subset. Useful for categorical data. - :obj:`None` - the value depends on the ``subset``. - :class:`list` - names in :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>` to pull. - :class:`tuple` - start and offset indices :math:`(subset[0], subset[0] + subset[1])`. that define a boolean mask to pull. - :obj:`None` - uniform array of :math:`1`. subset Pull values contained only within the subset. normalize Whether to normalize the columns of ``data`` to sum to :math:`1`. split_mass Whether to split non-zero values in ``data`` into separate columns. scale_by_marginals Whether to scale by the target :term`marginals` :attr:`b`. Returns ------- The transported values, array of shape ``[n, d]``. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(self.solution, BaseSolverOutput) data = self._get_mass(self.adata_tgt, data=data, subset=subset, normalize=normalize, split_mass=split_mass) return self.solution.pull(data, scale_by_marginals=scale_by_marginals)
[docs] def set_solution( self, solution: Union[ArrayLike, pd.DataFrame, BaseSolverOutput], *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> "OTProblem": """Set a :attr:`solution` to the :term:`OT` problem. Parameters ---------- solution Solution for this problem. If a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` is passed, its index must be equal to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>` and its columns to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>`. overwrite Whether to overwrite an existing solution. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~moscot.base.output.MatrixSolverOutput`. Returns ------- Self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`solution` - the :term:`OT` solution. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'solved'``. """ if not overwrite and self.solution is not None: raise ValueError(f"`{self}` already contains a solution, use `overwrite=True` to overwrite it.") if isinstance(solution, pd.DataFrame): _assert_series_match(self.adata_src.obs_names.to_series(), solution.index.to_series()) _assert_series_match(self.adata_tgt.obs_names.to_series(), solution.columns.to_series()) solution = solution.to_numpy() if not isinstance(solution, BaseSolverOutput): solution = MatrixSolverOutput(solution, **kwargs) if solution.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError(f"Expected solution to have shape `{self.shape}`, found `{solution.shape}`.") self._stage = "solved" self._solution = solution return self
@staticmethod def _local_pca_callback( term: Literal["x", "y", "xy"], adata: AnnData, adata_y: Optional[AnnData] = None, layer: Optional[str] = None, n_comps: int = 30, scale: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TaggedArray: def concat(x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: if sp.issparse(x): return sp.vstack([x, sp.csr_matrix(y)]) if sp.issparse(y): return sp.vstack([sp.csr_matrix(x), y]) return np.vstack([x, y]) if layer is None: x, y, msg = adata.X, adata_y.X if adata_y is not None else None, "adata.X" else: x, y, msg = ( adata.layers[layer], adata_y.layers[layer] if adata_y is not None else None, f"adata.layers[{layer!r}]", ) scaler = StandardScaler() if scale else None if term == "xy": if y is None: raise ValueError("When `term` is `xy` `adata_y` cannot be `None`.") n = x.shape[0] data = concat(x, y) if data.shape[1] <= n_comps: # TODO(michalk8): log return TaggedArray(data[:n], data[n:], tag=Tag.POINT_CLOUD)"Computing pca with `n_comps={n_comps}` for `xy` using `{msg}`") data = sc.pp.pca(data, n_comps=n_comps, **kwargs) if scaler is not None: data = scaler.fit_transform(data) return TaggedArray(data[:n], data[n:], tag=Tag.POINT_CLOUD) if term in ("x", "y"): # if we don't have a shared space, then adata_y is always None"Computing pca with `n_comps={n_comps}` for `{term}` using `{msg}`") x = sc.pp.pca(x, n_comps=n_comps, **kwargs) if scaler is not None: x = scaler.fit_transform(x) return TaggedArray(x, tag=Tag.POINT_CLOUD) raise ValueError(f"Expected `term` to be one of `x`, `y`, or `xy`, found `{term!r}`.") # TODO(@giovp): refactor @staticmethod def _spatial_norm_callback( term: Literal["x", "y"], adata: AnnData, adata_y: Optional[AnnData] = None, attr: Optional[Literal["X", "obsp", "obsm", "layers", "uns"]] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TaggedArray: if term == "y": if adata_y is None: raise ValueError("When `term` is `y`, `adata_y` cannot be `None`.") adata = adata_y if attr is None: raise ValueError("`attrs` cannot be `None` with this callback.") spatial = TaggedArray._extract_data(adata, attr=attr, key=key)"Normalizing spatial coordinates of `{term}`.") spatial = (spatial - spatial.mean()) / spatial.std() return TaggedArray(spatial, tag=Tag.POINT_CLOUD) @staticmethod def _graph_construction_callback( term: Literal["xy", "x", "y"], adata: AnnData, adata_y: Optional[AnnData] = None, use_rep: str = "X_pca", **kwargs: Any, ) -> TaggedArray: if term == "xy": if adata_y is None: raise ValueError("When `term` is `xy`, `adata_y` cannot be `None`.") if use_rep not in adata.obsm: raise ValueError(f"Unable to find `{use_rep}` in `adata.obsm`.") if use_rep not in adata_y.obsm: raise ValueError(f"Unable to find `{use_rep}` in `adata_y.obsm`.") adata_concat = ad.concat((adata, adata_y), join="inner")"Computing graph construction for `xy` using `{use_rep}`") sc.pp.neighbors(adata_concat, use_rep=use_rep, **kwargs) return TaggedArray( data_src=adata_concat.obsp["connectivities"].astype("float64"), data_tgt=None, tag=Tag.GRAPH ) # TODO(@michalk8): find a better solution. if use_rep not in adata.obsm: raise ValueError(f"Unable to find `{use_rep}` in `adata.obsm`.")"Computing graph construction for `{term}` using `{use_rep}`") sc.pp.neighbors(adata, use_rep=use_rep, **kwargs) return TaggedArray(data_src=adata.obsp["connectivities"].astype("float64"), data_tgt=None, tag=Tag.GRAPH) def _create_marginals( self, adata: AnnData, *, source: bool, data: Optional[Union[bool, str, ArrayLike]] = None, marginal_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> ArrayLike: if data is True: marginals = self.estimate_marginals(adata, source=source, **marginal_kwargs, **kwargs) elif data is False or data is None: marginals = np.ones((adata.n_obs,), dtype=float) / adata.n_obs elif isinstance(data, str): try: marginals = np.asarray(adata.obs[data], dtype=float) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Unable to find data in `adata.obs[{data!r}]`.") from None else: marginals = np.asarray(data, dtype=float) if marginals.shape != (adata.n_obs,): raise ValueError( f"Expected {'source' if source else 'target'} marginals " f"to have shape `{adata.n_obs,}`, found `{marginals.shape}`." ) return marginals
[docs] def estimate_marginals(self, adata: AnnData, *, source: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> ArrayLike: """Estimate the source or target :term:`marginals`. .. note:: This function returns uniform marginals. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. source Whether to estimate the source or target :term:`marginals`. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- The estimated source or target marginals of shape ``[n,]`` or ``[m,]``, depending on the ``source``. """ del kwargs return np.ones((adata.n_obs,), dtype=float) / adata.n_obs
[docs] def set_graph_xy( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series, pd.Series]], cost: Literal["geodesic"] = "geodesic", t: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: r"""Set a graph for the :term:`linear term` for graph based distances. Parameters ---------- data Data containing the graph. - If of type :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, its index must be equal to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>` and its columns to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>`. - If of type :class:`tuple`, it must be of the form (sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series, pd.Series), where the first element is the graph, the second element and the third element are the annotations of the graph. cost Which graph-based distance to use. t Time parameter at which to solve the heat equation, see :cite:`crane:13`. When ``t`` is :obj:`None`, ``t`` will be set to :math:`\epsilon / 4`, where :math:`\epsilon` is the entropy regularization term. This approaches the geodesic distance and allows for linear memory complexity as the cost matrix does not have to be instantiated :cite:`huguet:23`. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`xy` - the :term:`linear term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ expected_series = pd.concat([self.adata_src.obs_names.to_series(), self.adata_tgt.obs_names.to_series()]) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _assert_columns_and_index_match(expected_series, data) data_src = data.to_numpy() elif isinstance(data, tuple): data_src, index_src, index_tgt = data _assert_series_match(expected_series, index_src) _assert_series_match(expected_series, index_tgt) else: raise ValueError( "Expected data to be a `pd.DataFrame` or a tuple of (`sp.csr_matrix`, `pd.Series`, `pd.Series`), " f"found `{type(data)}`." ) self._xy = TaggedArray(data_src=data_src, data_tgt=None, tag=Tag.GRAPH, cost=cost) self._stage = "prepared" self._time_scales_heat_kernel = self._time_scales_heat_kernel._replace(xy=t)
[docs] def set_graph_x( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series]], cost: Literal["geodesic"] = "geodesic", t: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: r"""Set a graph for the source :term:`quadratic term`. Parameters ---------- data Data containing the graph. - If of type :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, its index and columns must be equal to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>`. - If of type :class:`tuple`, it must be of the form (sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series), where the first element is the graph and the second element is the annotation of the graph. cost Which graph-based distance to use. t Time parameter at which to solve the heat equation, see :cite:`crane:13`. When ``t`` is :obj:`None`, ``t`` will be set to :math:`\epsilon / 4`, where :math:`\epsilon` is the entropy regularization term. This approaches the geodesic distance and allows for linear memory complexity as the cost matrix does not have to be instantiated :cite:`huguet:23`. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`x` - the source :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ expected_series = self.adata_src.obs_names.to_series() if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _assert_columns_and_index_match(expected_series, data) data_src = data.to_numpy() elif isinstance(data, tuple): data_src, index_src = data _assert_series_match(expected_series, index_src) else: raise ValueError( "Expected data to be a `pd.DataFrame` or a tuple of (`sp.csr_matrix`, `pd.Series`), " f"found `{type(data)}`." ) self._x = TaggedArray(data_src=data_src, data_tgt=None, tag=Tag.GRAPH, cost=cost) self._stage = "prepared" self._time_scales_heat_kernel = self._time_scales_heat_kernel._replace(x=t)
[docs] def set_graph_y( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series]], cost: Literal["geodesic"] = "geodesic", t: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: r"""Set a graph for the target :term:`quadratic term`. Parameters ---------- data Data containing the graph. - If of type :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, its index and columns must be equal to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>`. - If of type :class:`tuple`, it must be of the form (sp.csr_matrix, pd.Series), where the first element is the graph and the second element is the annotation of the graph. cost Which graph-based distance to use. t Time parameter at which to solve the heat equation, see :cite:`crane:13`. When ``t`` is :obj:`None`, ``t`` will be set to :math:`\epsilon / 4`, where :math:`\epsilon` is the entropy regularization term. This approaches the geodesic distance and allows for linear memory complexity as the cost matrix does not have to be instantiated :cite:`huguet:23`. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`x` - the target :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ expected_series = self.adata_tgt.obs_names.to_series() if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _assert_columns_and_index_match(expected_series, data) data_src = data.to_numpy() elif isinstance(data, tuple): data_src, index_src = data _assert_series_match(expected_series, index_src) else: raise ValueError( "Expected data to be a `pd.DataFrame` or a tuple of (`sp.csr_matrix`, `pd.Series`), " f"found `{type(data)}`." ) self._y = TaggedArray(data_src=data_src, data_tgt=None, tag=Tag.GRAPH, cost=cost) self._stage = "prepared" self._time_scales_heat_kernel = self._time_scales_heat_kernel._replace(y=t)
# TODO(michalk8): extend for point-clouds as Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]] # TODO(michalk8): allow this to be nullified
[docs] def set_xy( self, data: pd.DataFrame, tag: Literal["cost_matrix", "kernel"], ) -> None: """Set a cost/kernel matrix for the :term:`linear term`. Parameters ---------- data Cost or kernel matrix. Its index must be equal to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>` and its columns to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>`. tag Whether ``data`` is a cost or a kernel matrix. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`xy` - the :term:`linear term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ _assert_series_match(self.adata_src.obs_names.to_series(), data.index.to_series()) _assert_series_match(self.adata_tgt.obs_names.to_series(), data.columns.to_series()) self._xy = TaggedArray(data_src=data.to_numpy(), data_tgt=None, tag=Tag(tag), cost="cost") self._stage = "prepared"
[docs] def set_x(self, data: pd.DataFrame, tag: Literal["cost_matrix", "kernel"]) -> None: """Set a cost/kernel matrix for the source :term:`quadratic term`. Parameters ---------- data Cost or kernel matrix. Its index must be equal to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>` and its columns to :attr:`adata_src.obs_names <adata_src>`. tag Whether ``data`` is a cost or a kernel matrix. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`x` - the source :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ _assert_columns_and_index_match(self.adata_src.obs_names.to_series(), data) if self.problem_kind == "linear":"Changing the problem type from {self.problem_kind!r} to 'quadratic (fused)'.") self._problem_kind = "quadratic" self._x = TaggedArray(data_src=data.to_numpy(), data_tgt=None, tag=Tag(tag), cost="cost") self._stage = "prepared"
[docs] def set_y(self, data: pd.DataFrame, tag: Literal["cost_matrix", "kernel"]) -> None: """Set a cost/kernel matrix for the target :term:`quadratic term`. Parameters ---------- data Cost or kernel matrix. Its index must be equal to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>` and its columns to :attr:`adata_tgt.obs_names <adata_tgt>`. tag Whether ``data`` is a cost or a kernel matrix. Returns ------- Nothing, just updates the following fields: - :attr:`y` - the target :term:`quadratic term`. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. """ _assert_columns_and_index_match(self.adata_tgt.obs_names.to_series(), data) if self.problem_kind == "linear":"Changing the problem type from {self.problem_kind!r} to 'quadratic (fused)'.") self._problem_kind = "quadratic" self._y = TaggedArray(data_src=data.to_numpy(), data_tgt=None, tag=Tag(tag), cost="cost") self._stage = "prepared"
@staticmethod def _split_xy_kwargs(**kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: x_kwargs = {k[2:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith("x_")} y_kwargs = {k[2:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith("y_")} return x_kwargs, y_kwargs @property def adata_src(self) -> AnnData: """Source annotated data object.""" adata = self._adata_src if self._src_obs_mask is None else self._adata_src[self._src_obs_mask] if not adata.n_obs: raise ValueError("No observations in the source `AnnData`.") adata = adata if self._src_var_mask is None else adata[:, self._src_var_mask] if not adata.n_vars: raise ValueError("No variables in the source `AnnData`.") return adata @property def adata_tgt(self) -> AnnData: """Target annotated data object.""" adata = self._adata_tgt if self._tgt_obs_mask is None else self._adata_tgt[self._tgt_obs_mask] if not adata.n_obs: raise ValueError("No observations in the target `AnnData`.") adata = adata if self._tgt_var_mask is None else adata[:, self._tgt_var_mask] if not adata.n_vars: raise ValueError("No variables in the target `AnnData`.") return adata @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Shape of the :term:`OT` problem.""" return self.adata_src.n_obs, self.adata_tgt.n_obs @property def solution(self) -> Optional[BaseSolverOutput]: """Solution of the :term:`OT` problem.""" return self._solution @property def solver(self) -> Optional[OTSolver[BaseSolverOutput]]: """:term:`OT` solver.""" return self._solver @property def xy(self) -> Optional[TaggedArray]: """Geometry defining the :term:`linear term`.""" return self._xy @property def x(self) -> Optional[TaggedArray]: """Geometry defining the source :term:`quadratic term`.""" return self._x @property def y(self) -> Optional[TaggedArray]: """Geometry defining the target :term:`quadratic term`.""" return self._y @property def a(self) -> Optional[ArrayLike]: """Source :term:`marginals`.""" return self._a @property def b(self) -> Optional[ArrayLike]: """Target :term:`marginals`.""" return self._b def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[stage={self.stage!r}, shape={self.shape!r}]" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)