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An optimal transport problem is defined as a matching task between distributions, e.g. sets of cells.

transport matrix

The output of a discrete OT problem indicating how much mass from data point \(x_i\) in row \(i\) is transported to data point \(y_j\) in column \(j\).

entropic regularization

Entropy regularization of OT problems [Cuturi, 2013] reduces the time complexity and allows for more desirable statistical properties. The higher the entropy regularization, the more diffused the OT solution.


An OT problem matches distributions, e.g. set of cells. The distribution is defined by the location of a cell, e.g. in gene expression space, and the weight assigned to one cell.

balanced OT problem

OT problem where the marginals are fixed. Each data point (cell) of the source distribution emits a certain amount of mass given by the source marginals, and each data point (cell) of the target distribution receives a certain amount of mass given by the target marginals.

unbalanced OT problem

OT problem where the marginals are not fixed. If beneficial, a data point might emit or receive more or less mass than prescribed by the marginals. The larger the unbalancedness parameters tau_a and tau_b, the more the mass emitted, and received, respectively, can deviate from the marginals [Chizat et al., 2018].

linear problem

OT problem only containing a linear term and no quadratic term.

linear term

Term of the cost function on the shared space, e.g. gene expression space.

quadratic problem

OT problem containing a quadratic term and possibly a linear term.

quadratic term

Term of the cost function comparing two different spaces.


OT problem between two distributions where a data point, e.g. a cell. in the source distribution does not live in the same space as a data point in the target distribution. Such problem is a quadratic problem.

fused Gromov-Wasserstein

OT problem between two distributions where a data point, e.g. a cell, of the source distribution has both features in the same space as the target distribution (linear term) and features in a different space than a data point in the target distribution (quadratic term). Such problem is a quadratic problem.

dual potentials

Potentials obtained by the Sinkhorn algorithm which define the solution of a linear problem [Cuturi, 2013]. These weights are referred to as marginals.


The Sinkhorn algorithm [Cuturi, 2013] is used for solving a linear problem, and is also used in inner iterations for solving a quadratic problem.

low-rank OT

low-rank OT approximates full-rank OT, which allows for faster computations and lower memory complexity [Scetbon and Cuturi, 2022, Scetbon et al., 2021, Scetbon et al., 2023, Scetbon et al., 2021]. The transport matrix will be low-rank.


If the OT problem is solved with a low-rank solver, the transport matrix is the product of several low-rank matrices (i.e. lower than the number of data points in the source distribution and the target distribution).